For #26, can you make the small ball in the upper left hand corner blue also? And can you make that same version with "Recover. Restore. Rejuvenate." in blue? Thanks
For #28, can you put a "." after Rejuvenate? so = Rejuvenate. also, can you do #28 with a gray dot? Can you do #26 with a blue dot? Just want to see some different versions of it - thanks
Can you do #55 with a different font for "recover restore rejuvenate" that is a little bit clearer that stands out? Also, can you do #55 with the blue swoosh and gray swoosh switched - blue swoosh on the outside, gray on inside? Thanks!
No, that border of the letters in "recover, restore, rejuvenate" makes it a little to difficult to read. Those 3 words are small so I'd like a font that makes them readt clearly but still looks professional. Thank you
thanks for the update with #110. Did you change the font? Or did you just make the words all capital letters? Can you please not make "RECOVER RESTORE REJUVENATE" all capital letters? Can you make it "Recover Restore Rejuvenate" like before. Maybe the font will look better and clearer now. thanks
sir it's a different font, the font is the same as #108 #109, I will continue to look for combinations of fonts, hopefully can find a line with your expectations, thank you for giving me the opportunity to be at this session.
Thank you very much for your updates. #119, #110 and #61 are all really great. You are a very talented designer. It's between you and one other designer now. I am thinking very hard and will make a decision soon. Thanks again.
chowzn, your designs have been simply terrific! You've also been great about responding quickly with great updates. It has been a pleasure working with you and again, I appreciate your work very much. This has been a VERY hard decision for me, but I decided to go with a different design. I was back and forth it on it a lot. I know I would be very happy with your logo as well. I'm happy to recommend your work to anyone. Thank you chowzyn.