I forgot to mention. Can you try one with a male head and the other with a female head? When you separate the words try doing different body positions with the "M" like the one you first submitted. Thanks again and Good Luck.
Hello dodihanz. I like this sample a lot. Can you do a version with all the words on one line. Also, can you make versions of the "M". Maybe you have them standing side by side holding hands. Try a version with the bodies standing more Straight. Thank you and Good Luck.
Comment Activity
Please check #41 #42 #43 #44.
Please check #37 #38 #39 #40.
Can you please try different word arrangement on this one?
Thank you and good luck.
Kind regards,
Marvin Thomas
I like the font you use on this one.
Can you make one with the space after each word? Some thing like the following: Crowd Funding Match.
Thank you again for you submissions.
Can you try a version where the letters are all the same thickness?
Can you do a version where the words "Crowd" and "Match" and lighter but the word "Funding" is darker?
Can you create a version where the female half of the "M" is on the left and the male is on the right?
Also can you try a version like the one you have now with all of the word "Match" is the same color with the lettering the same thickness?
I really would like to see these versions.
Thanks again for your submissions and good luck.
Kind regards,
Marvin Thomas
Can you please try a version with some spacing between the words and in all blue letters? Also can you try different fonts? Thanks and Good luck
Thanks for your feedback. I made the logo in one line. Please check #10 #11 #12.