crosspoint churchLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / crosspoint church

crosspoint church has selected their winning logo design.

For $325 they received 107 designs from 19 different designers from around the world.




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Logo Designer
Hi there,

Hope your having a good week so far?

Here are some of my concepts. I've gone for something that's fairly clean and simple, yet striking. Creating an icon that works well within the logo or as a stand alone element, one that can be used for things like favicons or watermarks.

The logos are 100% vector so will scale well to any size, and works well in full colour, B&W and on coloured backgrounds if needed,

It would be my pleasure to work up any variations so please do say.
I look forward to your comments or thoughts.

12 years ago

Sorry for not responding right away, was a crazy week. I love the thought behind the design. #5 is obviously we like a bit more but I do like the cross in #7. Not sure on #6. Maybe try a design with some non descript characters? Or play with some mountain designs? Montana is full of mountains and beautiful landscape...

Hope that helps and thanks so much for joining the contest!

12 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Bruce,

Hope your having a great weekend so far?
Thanks for the great feedback and comments, always appreciated.

Here are a few new concepts ... hope you like them.
And of course if you'd like to see any iterations then please do say and I'll happily work them up.

12 years ago
Ok, #22, #23, and #24 are all really good. I like the orange horizon I think, but not really in love with the blue green orange combo of #24 although the mountains and river are great. Im torn between mountains and the sun or cross at end of journey type thing, shows the hope aspect well. Maybe even more subtle on the mountains instead of detail in them?

I really value the interaction so thanks so much.
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Bruce,

Again thanks for the great feedback and comments :)

How about something like this
#29 ... More green shades, sun burst with subtle mountains? or
#30 ... More green shades, bigger sun burst with cross?

Look forward to your thoughts.

12 years ago
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