This is my first contest on LogoTournament, but I have more than 10 years of experience in branding and creating visual identities on other logo design websites. Your contest looked interesting, so I've decided to start here.
Regarding my entries, I've tried to offer few different options. Feedback from you would be very helpful to narrow down those options! Feel free to suggest improvements (colors, fonts, layouts, etc.) Thank you!
I'm really liking entry #32. What I like about it most is the color for sure and how clean/simple it looks. Pay per click marketing is all about getting found by your customers while they are actively looking for a particular service/product online.
Glad you've liked this design! Sorry I wasn't able to upload updates and developments on it,...unfortunatelly, there is big flooding at the moment going on in my country,...problems with electricity and internet,...people in real life danger! :(
Anyway, hope you'll get the highest quality design out of this contest! All the best!