I really like your work so let's play with some of these and see what we get. Because the facility is not only just women, we need to make a more generic "image" shall we say of the weight loss appearance. I like the font in #4 and maybe make the "C" on each end look like doors opening? What do you think? Maybe a scale underneath the CHC?
Let's see what it looks like with CHC then Weight Loss in larger letters and the sub line underneath reading "A Creighton Health Care Company"
We want Weight Loss to stand out the most not the words Creighton Health Care (That's what CHC stands for) I like your color choices.
Where is the CHC for the logo? I don't see it in your new submission (even though I like where you are going wtih the design) Please incorporate the 'CHC" and re-submit. We're getting there.