I really like your work so let's play with some of these and see what we get. Because the facility is not only just women, we need to make a more generic "image" shall we say of the weight loss appearance.
Let's do CHC Weight Loss as the main name and the sub line 'A Creighton Health Care Company" in one that you submit also. I don't care for the font being italic.
We want Weight Loss to stand out the most not the words Creighton Health Care (That's what CHC stands for) I like your color choices.
#94 The customer likes but can you make a few changes? You need to have the CHC then the logo like yoiu have it and below it the words Weight Loss then under that a line and tag line "A Creighton Health Care Company"
They also want to see if blue and green as a color option. Can you re-submit? Thanks!
I am happy to make changes and submit new logos however now the competition has gone into Judging mode only the designer ranked number 1 can submit extra designs. Unfortunately I was away for the weekend so didn't have much time but now I have plenty on my hands.
I think I like #102 but the streams around the logo figure are much thinner than the other artwork you submitted. Ca you thicken them up again and make them look like a yellow tape measure?