I'm liking entry #6, I would like to see additional designs with different uses of the font, I would like to see a font that caters towards the "college/university" feel but not TOO bold that it overpowers the logo. Also can you come up with any other versions of the baby? I like where this is going! Don't delete what you have, I would like to compare! Looking forward to what you can do!
Thank you for the feedback. This is just a minor revision of my previous entry. I realized in that one the baby's head was proportional to the body, unlike a real baby whose head is much larger. I'll work on variations of the baby. I thought this logo just needed to work in conjunction with the supplied compass logo, but were you looking to have the compass logo incorporated into this logo?
Yes, I like the bigger head on the baby! It's not a requirement to use the compass, but it is a current logo of the company. Maybe you can incorporate it into the logo somehow as well? I like the "U" on the shirt, What about different objects in the baby's hands? like a "finger" they give out at sports games, in stead of the bottle because the sizes of clothing the company has goes up from newborns to 4 year olds.
In #20, What is the blue triangle doing there? can you make the compass straight up, or even try to incorporate it more? Can you work on more detail with the flag?
Also try a few fonts that are more sleek, sophisticated and clear.. just want to see different variations
1.) Can you make the letters "CREATIVE" closer together/even distance apart 2.) In the word "KNITWEAR" the "K" and the "N" stick out too much, can you make it a more fluid transition in the size from the letter before and after the letters next to it. 3.) There only needs to be 1 compass w/ globe inside, lets keep it to the left side. Or if you could try to blend in the compass somehow into the whole design like in the logo in Position #2.. (that would be a separate version) 4.) Let me see a couple different variations of the facial expression of him "cheering" his favorite team. All happy!
In regards to #57, Can you change the eyes to look more realistic rather than beadie? I think a smile would look better than an open mouth with one tooth. A more realistic mouth would be nice
Also the foam finger shouldn't be interfering with the name of the company.