Hi here is my concept, I try to incorporate a paintbrush to symbolize the creativity, and at the underneath of the brush is the letter U which form a "drum" containing some ink or paint. I hope you like this concept and your feedback will be really appreciated.
We love the concept! Please try to make it a little move obvious that it is a paint brush. Everyone that saw it without your explanations thought it was fire, also please try Orange or Green instead of the Blue.
Hi thanks for the feedback and the rank, I will find a way to make the brush more obviously, but for now how about this one? do you like it? I make the letter I as the brush instead of the V.
Now it is not looking like a paint brush, it is a paint brush.
We would like to stay within your original approach and keep the focus on the letter V, so it needs to look more like a paint brush but not be the actual paint brush object.
Hi, sorry for my previous designs, it seems that another designer already use letter U as a "drum" first than me, so if he want me to withdraw my designs, I must withdraw them.
Anyway here is my next revision, from now on I should not use letter U as a "drum" concept, so I use the M. And I also do a revision for the letter V.
Thank you so much for the effort but we don't really like the new directions you are taking.
Your best bet is to stick with Entry #21 and just play with the shape of that brush, maybe change the pointy tips at the top to something flat like the rest of the letters? Maybe lined up the top of the brush with the other letters?