Thanks. I like the idea of the C in #81, but feel it gets lost in the loose format. Can you try a version that looks a little more like a bulb? I don't want to squash the fun feel, as I love the style, but for this logo I think we need to be a bit more obvious. Thanks,
OK we are nearing the end and I want to let you know that we will narrow the field down to around 5 concepts, remove all the non-contenders and then extend the contest so we can explore color variations for a few days.
Within your group we still really like #80, and #81. I'm still hoping you can refine the bulb to be less like a "C". Can you try as a solid round and as thick circle with come white space in the middle? If we can get the bulb to look right we will keep going with the small rays in #80. Once we get it right can you show me 1 version with the letter colors of #80 and another version with the letter colors of #81? Then lastly, can you do the same thing but change the color of Creative to the color used in "Baby" in logo #71? Thanks,
Nancy: As I review the progress of the contest and the refined versions that continue to come in, I think your version #217 is the clear winner. I will discuss with the management team tonight to get their agreement. I would like to make a few refinements before we conclude, as discussed above, but also don't want to keep dragging on the conclusion of the contest. do we need to finalize all details before the conclussion of the contest?
Also, I want to show you a 1 page document I made in which I inserted your logo and a few others from the contest along side many other logos in our industry. i think seeing this can be very helpful to see how you can use color to make your logo stand out among the rest. Can you suggest the best way to get this to you or do you feel posting it to all is best?
LT does have rules about communication while a contest is active. The idea is that no one have an unfair advantage or that there are no back door deals.
It sounds like it might be appropriate to upload the document to the contest page. That way the other designers' also have the opportunity to reexamine color. If you feel that is unnecessary, I can assure you that color assignment is an easy adjustment for any designer -- it shouldn't be a show stopper.
I will upload the versions you asked for shortly so you can compare against your favorites.
If you would post a note here if you upload that doc, I'll get a message via email notifying me. Thanks!
If you saw the document with competative logos you can see how much others stand out. There are a few things we can consider to be more dominant on the page: Using bolder type, Puting some type of border around the logo (like a box, oval or some form of background), using darker colors. Maybe a purple and green combo would be nice. I'll try to make more comments later.