Please review the company information and logo breif, as it has all been revised. sorry for any inconvenience, but the new information should give you much more focused direction. Thanks
logo #34 is one of our favorite logos. 1) Can you try a few variations for us? We want to look at deeper colors, like a darker blue (almost navy). i know the first direction was baby colors, but we need this to pop more and be less pastelly.
2) can you also experiment with the image to the right of the logo. These characters almost seem like ghosts, so maybe something more like a baby. I do like the light airy feel though, so the style is good. i also like the location of this element in 34.
3) change the tag line to "every baby is a Creative Baby"
One thing to think about with the added element on #34 is that we should be able to use it by itself as an Icon. right now it cannot be used this way, so think about making an image that can stand alone or be with the overall logo.
OK we are nearing the end and I want to let you know that we will narrow the field down to around 5 concepts, remove all the non-contenders and then extend the contest so we can explore color variations for a few days. We really like #88 and #90 so you will definately be in the finals.
Can you try a version of these 2 logos without the fade to the letters? This will be hard to print in some applications. Thanks
We really like youre style, but the more we discuss we are worried that your baby image looks too much like a ghost and does not tie back to the creative Baby idea enough. The other icons did not make sense either. Can you explore the idea of a light bulb as the icon? We could possible look at the idea of a baby head with a light bulb above it, but this may get too busy and other have struggled with the idea. Thanks