Please review the company information and logo brief, as it has all been revised. Sorry for any inconvenience, but the new information should give you much more focused direction. Thanks
Hi, I really like the layout of #53, but prefer the typeface of #55. can you try the following: 1) Use typeface from 55 in 53, but make bolder so it carries a lineweight similare to 53. doesn't have to be as thick if you think it gets too heavy. 2) Reall like the DNA strand type baby, but wonder if you can make the strands thinner on the lower half. The thicker sections seem a bit heavy. 3) Remove the fade out on the top of the letters. This will be hard to reproduse in various applications. 4) Use "every baby is a Creative Baby" as the tag line. all lower case except the C & B in Creative Baby. 5) try 1 version with copy colors as is in 53 and 1 version with copy colors from 55 (dark blue creative, green baby).
I like the direction #69 is going. Let's try this: make the ball on top of the DNA strand orange. Try making the word Baby thin. The all bold type seems like too much for me, so maybe thinning one up will help. Thanks
Hey I think #70 is the best one yet. Ok let's try this: 1) It bothers me a little that the circle color is the same color as the under side of the right DNA strand. What if the underside of both strands was green? I'm also open to your thoughts on fixing this issue. 2) Do you think the word Creative is still a little thick? What if we thinned it up ever so lightly, but still maintaned a noticeable difference between Creative and baby? 3) Once you feel good about 1 & 2, can you show a logo as is and then 1 more version with Creatve Baby capitalized?
sure will be glad to. we can play with it till your happy. see #78 with changes you suggest. I like the green but made one of the arms lighter value of that green.
You know an interesting thing you did was to put the darker green on top. That move alone makes the other strand less dominant. If you want you can experiment with the old color to see if puting it under the green is enough to solve the last problem. Also like the thinner Creative. thanks
I love that we are already dialing down to all these variations. This logo is gaining momentum with the others I've ask opinions on also. #78 keeps coming up as my favorite so far. I think I even prefer the lower case over the upper case. I also prefer the strand to the left as opposed to the middle, but I appreciate that you are mixing it up.
Since we are into such detail, I noticed something you may consider. DNA strands rotate around each other and since we switched the overlap on top, this is no longer the case. Can you swap the bottom overlap, so they intertwine again? Thanks,
good Monday to you, and pls feel free to tell me other changes you might want. I think you may also need a version with just two colors to use for some projects and will work one up for you.
OK we are nearing the end and I want to let you know that we will narrow the field down to around 5 concepts, remove all the non-contenders and then extend the contest so we can explore color variations for a few days.
while the DNA logo has remained a fan favorite it has recently slipped a little because other logos are using brighter colors to really get them to pop. This has made your version end up looking a bit muted. It would be worth trying a few versions with brighter colors and revisiting the idea of 1 word in blue and 1 word in another bright color. when doing this try not to get too many colors in there, maybe do varying shades instead. I think #83 is the favorite so far (before we talked about #78). Thanks
OK after a long discussion we also want to explore some variations to the DNA strand. Can you try 1 version that looks more like a traditional DNA strand (less like a baby) and then explore a version that looks like a light bulb. The idea of a light buld to signify creativity is gaining a lot of momentum, so I want to see what you can do with that. thanks
happy to explore more with DNA shape I started, but just a question about light bulb. Was that another designer concept before me or your idea? I only ask so not to copy another concept someone besides you brought here first. Thx, hope you understand!
If you haven't seen it yet, check out the document i added to the brief area with competative logos. You can see how much others stand out and how important it is to be simple and refined. There are a few things we can consider to be more dominant on the page: Using bolder type, Puting some type of border around the logo (like a box, oval or some form of background). I'll try to make more comments later.