Looking good. Try a few without the slogan below. The two with the planet above would be hard to keep tight when printing or placing. Although, I do like the planets and the horizon.
We like the paper airplane theme (white better) and the CS round logo, because we can use them without the words "crater space" and still be recognizable. How about #18 with a moon instead, or maybe a random looking planet... not Earth.
Congratulations, it looks like you are going to be our winner. We have some color changes to ask for. It will either be #99, #98, or a variation between the two.
Final Design (?)... 1) Gray moon, paper plane has blue inside 2) No slogan below CraterSpace 3) Use font from #98 4) Keep font color scheme from #99
Yay!!!! Congratulations! You are our winner. The majority of our staff and Board liked your logo the best. We plan on making your logo very famous, too. Everyone liked the moon with the paper-airplane, but still has not agreed on the font. No matter what the font ends up being, the logo and font color choice is perfect.
Please provide: 1) Logo all by itself (no words, no slogan) 2) Logo (+) "CraterSpace" using font choice from entry #2 (with and without logo) 3) Entry #39 with no drop shadow 4) Entry #99 with no slogan
We're going to select you as the winner of the contest, but we weren't sure if we could communicate after doing so. In the end, the majority or the staff liked the stacked words -vs- side by side. Thanks again for all your hard work
When submitting final logo files, could you include the following:
1) Logo with no words 2) Logo (+) stacked CraterSpace words 3) Logo (+) stacked CraterSpace words (+) slogan