Entry # (9 &11 looking much better. Perfect how the C and Q are now seperated:) How about all blue text, "CQ duplication" in bold with 'and Multimedia' in nomal smaller blue font.
Would still like to see some flying discs to represent duplication, as in existing logo at www.cqduplication.com.au
#10 - Leaning backwards makes me think of backwards. Know where you're comming from ie. old formats to new technology, but your average Joe public doesn't think like that. Based on feedback over the past 35 years of being in business. Joe Public can't think outside the square, it has to appeal and grab them on their first impression which as we all know, is in the 1st 10 seconds.
BUT, do like the tail under the text to emphasive the logo and business name.
Can't decide on the light blue/dark blue vs light blue/purple CQ. That's not important at this stage as it's the overall concept that we need to concentrate on as we move forward.
Am I giving you enough feedback and input to point you in the right direction? First time at this ie .getting other people to design my logos, in the past, I've always done my own logos and graphics.
Regards Ken