Courville's Garage IncLogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / Courville's Garage Inc Courville's Garage Inc has selected their winning logo design. For $575 they received 138 designs from 27 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Entries by aistheRoom Return to Contest Return to Contest 1st #138 Withdrawn New #35 Withdrawn New #134 Withdrawn New #137 Withdrawn New #136 Withdrawn New #135 Withdrawn New #94 Discussion Courvilles Client I love this submission! It's classic and strong and illustrates our emphasis on trucks. Excellent design, thank you! 14 years ago aistheRoom Logo Designer thanks... i'm open for any suggestions and inputs to make this more suitable 14 years ago Courvilles Client Would you be willing to resubmit entry #35 but delete the phrase "heavy duty truck parts"? This is my fault, I didn't request this at the beginning of the tournament. This is still my favorite! 14 years ago aistheRoom Logo Designer sure... rigth away. thks 14 years ago Courvilles Client We may have to put this logo on a white background. Can you share with me a couple of ideas you have to make this logo pop out on a white background? 14 years ago aistheRoom Logo Designer of course... here are some thoughts i have. 14 years ago