I already submitted designs, I'm really sorry I can't play too much with this idea because it fits with the direction from you that this logo should be read in a very small size 1/2" wide.
and I am trying to present a simple concept a carved name on the guitar fretboard, as a symbol of charity and the philosophy of art.
I understand your intentions and goals, but I tried to do it in safe design resizing parameters to appear properly in a small size, so that the overall design was retained when on different media, such as printing, embroidery and embossing.
OK... My team will explore some ideas around the "GivesBack" placements, size, etc......on Sunday meeting. And I hope will find something better before the contest end.
BTW: the reason I had to align the ''a in back right under 's' in music, is so we can highlight USA if we want later on down the road. It would be a cool extra thing to have or use or tell people about the logo.
Thank you for all your revisions and help so far...
We're giving our co-founders 5 logos to choose from out of your submissions, so they can pick which one they prefer. We may need a couple more changes, but I'll let you know.
By the way: What is your favorite? (from a designer's perspective)
Awesome...Very pleasant to be worked with you. I feel you are very politely, and all feedback is great. My favorite is #474 and #556 (both design had own pros), but I prefer to #556 for small size and #474 for medium size. They're same concept in different result.
1) We need to see version #583 on a white background
Plus our founders have two ideas. which are on the below link. Both ideas would be on separate logo submissions (two extra separate submissions - as they'd like to see if they look good or not) - thanks