We liked the basic design of 90-91, but severl people have pointed out that it looks like the uniform badge from "Star Trek." We will be eliminating all the designs based on the delta A in the middle.
Now we are closer to ruings with dots. On #115 it looked like they were passing through and ending in dots. I would like to try that alignment, ending is arrows or something that represents "acceleration"
This is much closer. The colors seem to be sharper in #157, but the arroes look like penises. The arrows in #155 are good. Can we try the gold arrow in silver or gray?
We will select you as the winner. Design #165 is great. We'd like to see two modifications, just to test before finalizing.
In design #166 you have a highlight in the middle of the letters in Acceleration. We don't want the highlight, but are curious as to whether a thin, crisp white line, perhaps ending in a small arrow or burst, through those letters would emphasize the meaning of that word.
Second, I'd like to see he silver arrow reversed, so that all three arrows point upwards. I don't think it will work, but there is a bad message in business logo with an arrow pointing down. We can live with it the way it is, but would like to see if it can work with all pointed up. Thanks
We are close. Let's go with the arrows in #191, the lettering in #188. Now, can we try that design once with the colors used in #173? We want to go a little dareker.