Hello, Thank you for your designs. I like both #46 and #47. They have visual impact yet will work on small business cards (3.5 X 2 inches) and will also provide the inspiration for my website. They are direct and to the point. I have some questions and comments. I am finding it easier to read Cornerstone when it is all capital letters. From a distance, when it is upper and lower case, the r and n blend to look like an m! Do you have a different font for upper/lower case text that might add clarity to the letters or would you consider upper case? Also, I am finding that I like the effect of green and purple in softer shades, like in a Spring garden, but not so soft as to get lost. I like the masculine effect of your work, yet wonder if more muted colors balance it a bit. The word consulting is important, as there are other Cornerstone companies in Vermont (Cornerstone Financial, for example) plus the font might be too small to easily read on a business card (think of people over 50 years of age). Also, is it part of your design in #46 to have the stones off-square? My engineer husband noticed (he thought the corner looked unsteady). I like it the way it is, but I work with a lot of engineer-types. Thank you so much, and I hope that you find it worthwhile to submit another design or two. I really like your work.
ysonmez, Thank you for listening and for your responses. The colors capture what I was envisioning and the new font #60 works to clarify. Your creation #66 with the arch is like a use of stone in the feminine... yet it appeals to the engineer types :) With appreciation, Marlene from Vermont
Dear Yavuz, Thank you for your offer to try some new amendments! As I revisit your designs, I am finding myself drawn to the upper case examples # 61, 63, 66 for ease of reading. I am also finding the green seems to fade a bit (I wish I could print your logos to see them on white paper so I could better see the saturation). So, here are my thoughts... Would you please amend # 60, 61, 62, 63 to show all letters in Cornerstone in the color purple that is already in the word? Also, I was wondering how it would look if in # 66 you amended Consulting to make the font larger and bolder enough to be the same in length as Cornerstone, still in green?
If you have any ideas on how to increase the presence of the green color or if you have other ideas, please feel free! If you think I am compromising your designs, please let me know that as well - I do not wish to do that. Also, once I get to the final selections of your designs, do you want to withdraw some of your earlier designs so they don't decrease your ratings? Please let me know how to work with you on your ratings. Again, thank you. Marlene
I'm workin' on amends u've asked and will submit asap...
I don't have to withdraw my earlier designs. U can rank them all according to rules of Logo Tournament Rules... If u rank them all they'll give me points... Also, u have to put 3 different designers to 1, 2 and 3rd rank or u can put 3 different designs from the same designer ( not the variations of the same design) again according to rules of LT.
Yavuz, U rock! You changed the purple and green order on the cornerstone image - great idea- and I like the flow. The darker green in the text works, and I think the larger consulting works on # 75, 76, 79. The larger consulting is too big for the design # 77,78 (thanks for letting me discover that) - I like your original # 63 better. I will look at the images again later tonight with fresh eyes. Do have any opinion from a design point of view now that you have designed so many logos for Cornerston Consulting? I so appreciate that you offered me choices. Also, what I meant to say in the 1:44 pm message is that the greeen in the text of Cornerstone (not the image) seemed to fade/wash out. I recognized you used a different value on the image to give it depth, which I like as well as the "shadowing" at the bottom of the image. I think the green you used in the most recent entries stands out well - no problem. My husband will be looking at the designs tonight. I told him he'd like # 79 :) All is good. Thanks again. If you have an opinion I invite you to let me know. I will read the LogoTournament Rules to be sure I vote correctly. All the best, Marlene
Yavuz, As you see from the rankings, # 93 and 94 are ranked number 1 and 2. Your changes in the font enhanced the visual impact of the smaller image. I printed and cut out several of your entries and pasted them on blank business cards (the size is 3.5 x 2 inches). Entries # 76 and 74 were top ranked at the time. I placed # 93 and 94 on business cards and your new amendments are subtle but just right! I had reluctantly considered asking you if you think it would detract from # 76 and 74 to amend the image slightly by adding a couple of lines or shadows to the cornerstones to create another suggestion of "stones" versus "shapes". The reason for this was to avoid any suggestion of a "chevron" design as opposed to a corner block. Now, with the larger size of # 93 and 94, I think that it is clear that these are cornerstones and not geometric shapes. The cornerstone concept was always clear to me, but I am biased :) So, thank you so much once again. My husband was amused by your arch design, and thanked you for your sense of humor about his engineering view of the world! He worked in Istanbul (in 2006?) for about a week and loved exploring your city with a wonderful tour guide. He even went to the markets. Only a few hours left in the competition. Cheers, Marlene