Entry #5: We like the word "PARTERS" towards the end of the word "coppei" and it would be interesting to see the "i" at the end of the word coppei in orange.
Entry #6: We like the solid tone of the blue color in Entry #3 better than the two-tone blue in Entry #6. Also, the pictoral mark seems too overwhelming for the word mark. We are also try to accentuate the letter "i" in coppei. Perhaps this could be made orange.
Entry #20: Thank you for the modifications. Could you also please change the color to match the solid blue color of Entry #3, except leave the "i" orange. And could you modify the pictoral mark to include the letters C and P in some sort of abstract way. Also, we would like the word "partners" to be on the right side of the double p in the word "coppei". Thanks.
Entry #32: Could you please change the blue color of the word "coppei" to be the same color as the blue you used in Entry #3. Please leave the "i" in orange. Thank you.