Getting closer... #65 is better. Could you only use the colors green, lime green, orange and brown? Possibly just 1 or two faces. And maybe have "Beans" all caps as well? Also, could you change the color of the font? Maybe just make it a little more "natural" feeling. Thanks!
Very cute! Could you maybe bold the words so they "Pop" a little more and make the writing orange? Maybe even two different colors for each word "Cool Beans"? And bring the circles down closer to the words. Maybe but a little stem or something on the faces so they look more like beans? Thanks!
Like it. Maybe just do the same font for both but make the "Beans" the green color in the first smiley face? We like earthy but kind of bold colors. Thanks!
Did you mean change the color of "beans" or the green tone bean on the left inside the "o" in COOL? and as far as the color lime, do you mean the dark green skin of a lime, or the lighter color of the flesh inside the lime? is this the right direction?
#89 is REALLY cute!! Any way you can incorporate the the curve as a slide into the word? Possibly as the "L" in cool or something? REALLY like it though.