Hello, thank you for participating. We have ranked the entries. Our feedback is below.
1. Please remove the LTD from the logo. We would prefer not to have that in the logo 2. Please try out a different colour combination that blue. Maybe something with more than 2 colours or a multicolour element 3. The talk bubbles are not coming out very obviously. They can be mistaken with handcuffs at the moment. Please see if you can use a different font to make them very social media-ish.
Please check the ranking for what kind of logos we prefer
#51 is more in line with our preference. We have kept it in consideration. Can you try out a different colour scheme? We are ok with adopting new colour scheme. You have full freedom to choose whichever colour you like for the logo.
Hi there, we are keeping #51 in consideration for the finals. However, there are some concerns about the readability of the logo. Do you feel that would be an issue?