I am from Mexico. It doesn't give me the feeling. I need to reflect the correct symbol not a similar symbol.
As far as another symbol for education, a book, pen... I don't know ... I would leave it to you, the expert in the creative realm.
The flag from mexico looks like the Italian flag, Mexican flag has a symbol of an eagle eating a snake.
I liked the hands, could you make the flags on a hand shape?
Could we use another symbol for education which not a graduation hat?
I'm sorry. I'm not doing the ranking and I didn't know that only the first ranked designer can submit. Thank you so much for the info and for your work. -- VBE
Thank you for the comment. Your contest is in selection mode and 1st ranked designer can submit new variants only. Of course, you can re-rank anytime. If Im on the 1st place, then I can submit asked version. Thanks for understanding.
This is good but speaks about a family or persons in he US. I want to represent immigrants' rights in the US. Education to those immigrants and unity for the immigrants. Thanks
Could we include some Latin American flags inside the hands? Mexico, Colombia, Guatemala, El Salvador, Brazil. Also I need the element of education somehow. Thanks
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As far as another symbol for education, a book, pen... I don't know ... I would leave it to you, the expert in the creative realm.
What another symbol do you prefer to see here?
I liked the hands, could you make the flags on a hand shape?
Could we use another symbol for education which not a graduation hat?