1. Try our flame and star of David in place of the “O”
2. Try JCF Tag line in dark blue (as opposed to gray) and also try in dual color
3. Try having Powered by above the JCFSD - as well as next to it, but the same size as the JCFSD text
I spoke with our team and this is their favorite so far. We'd like to explore a couple things here: Firstly, can we look to try put the flame from the current logo in the O (or maybe instead of the O). Also, we'd like to see a version with the Powered by (and potentially take the existing logo on the site and place it below. Thanks!
I'd like to see if this could work with the letters as uppercase? Also, the colors look a little different from the existing logo - it needs to be more aqua and less green
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1. Try our flame and star of David in place of the “O”
2. Try JCF Tag line in dark blue (as opposed to gray) and also try in dual color
3. Try having Powered by above the JCFSD - as well as next to it, but the same size as the JCFSD text