Concept SpaceLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Concept Space

Concept Space has selected their winning logo design.

For $400 they received 160 designs from 22 different designers from around the world.












































































Prefers others.


Hello. Thank you for your submissions. I'm enjoying your logos and would like to see the following:

a) more playful font options that are still high design.

b) The color green should be PMS 2915

I really like the emblem in Entry #9
12 years ago
On entry 9, is there a way to tweak it so that it conveys the message of real estate buildings. What we like of the existing entry #9 is that the box pulled apart into 6 pieces conveys the sense that it's a space that can be molded for a specific use...What more can you do to it to make it very clear that we have real estate spaces for temporary uses such as short term advertising, short term retail shops or film shoots etc?....
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Yes, I have a few ideas and i'm trying to simplify them so that its clear. Its a lot to say :) Will post them up today.


12 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi, can you check the pms # green again. Im getting a light blue for 2915

12 years ago
Thanks. I also just updated the brief with a few notes. Take a look at that as well. Thank you!
12 years ago
Thanks for the latest cloud version. I like the door in the cloud but the cloud needs to convey that it is a thought bubble rather than a needs to convey that someone's idea can find the space they/it needs...
12 years ago
Yes the correct PMS is 7494. Thanks for that correction.
12 years ago
Let's work on entry #9. It still is the favorite. We would like to see it have more features of a building potentially...maybe the front pane of the box can be made into a door? Maybe other iterations of it can play around with other features of a building? Another version to look at might be playing with something inside the idea inside the box . That should be a separate entry though. Would like to see a few entries based on this feedback if possible.

Font: Also, can you put a creative, modern handwritten type font to Concept Space? Something that looks like it was written by an executive on the move....? Thanks for all your work thus far!
12 years ago
Logo Designer
i'm just seeing your last set of comments. i will work on some fonts as well.

12 years ago
Can you please keep the emblem of Entry #42 and use the font of #45. Also can you please change the tag line to "Where Temporary Uses Find Short Term Real Estate"

Would also like to see you play around with the emblem. Try submitting a few entries with the following:

a) two windows no door
b)Turnstyle/Revolving Door rather than a house type door
c)window on the other side - door in front
d) can you make a a elongated rectangle so it looks more like a building than a box (the the box might be perfect we just want to see how it looks
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Yes on the font for #42. I have started playing with some angles an window door combos. Will post up today. As well as maybe some options on the hand font. I think this one is pretty good though.

12 years ago
Great. We're definitely impressed thus far. I also wanted to mention that the logo will be placed on the following site: I like how it looks right now on a white background and we will definitely need a version where it will be a white background (i.e. emails, documents, tshirts, etc) But reality is that we have to see the colors change to complement the dark grey background at that link as well.

Look forward to seeing more!

PS What time zone are you in? We are in NYC and potentially have the need for design work going forward.
12 years ago
Also, on entry #45 - it would be great to see it as a longer box that looks like an office building with office windows on the side/font and retail storefront windows on the bottom and/or side....with the same open top.
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Got it. I'm on the upper east side. nyc.

12 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi, are these links supposed to be the same?

12 years ago
Logo Designer
Hello, I will be posting updates periodically through the afternoon.

I have taken a look at the full on office building with office windows and retail space. Seems less conceptual and interesting and more just an office building with a lid. Will work on that a little more.

There is also a new one which is simpler.

12 years ago
Please see the link posted at 11:50am. The background will be that color gray as opposed to black which you showed entry #82 on. Can you please make it match that gray and make the tagline white? You may also have to change the gray of the door/window if it blends in too much with the background. Thanks.

Also, are you still working on other versions as outlined in my 10am post?
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Not sure why you're seeing black but the one just posted uses the background gif lifted from the site. Should be ok now.

the request you asked for i have to work through, please be patient, while the open phase ends in 15 hours there are there are another 2 days of refinements. I need to be happy with the stuff I post.

a) two windows no door
b) Turnstyle/Revolving Door rather than a house type door
c) window on the other side - door in front
d) can you make a elongated rectangle so it looks more like a building than a box (the the box might be perfect we just want to see how it looks

some of them will be posted tonight.
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Good morning. Has the issue been resolved with the background?

please let me know

12 years ago
Thank you. Here is some feedback:
a)we like the font of entry #45 where it reads Concept Space
b) we need to see different fonts for the tag line that aren't as rigid/formal but still clear and easily legible.
c) we are torn between the two emblems of entry #89 and #45. If we stick with the concept of #89 we want to convey the idea that it is an office building as opposed to a residential building. The window in #89 looks residential as does the door. Can you take the revolving door you created in entry #108, put handles on it and substitute it with the door in #89? Can you also make the window that is in #89 a window that would be more reminiscent of an retail shop window without the panes but still look like a window?
d) if we are going to develop the box idea in entry #45 then we would want it to look like an office building with retail windows on the bottom. We'd want the box to me lucite/3d in appearance as well.

Can you work on those two logos for us? Thanks in advance!
12 years ago
Logo Designer
a) I will try with the fonts. Tag is a long one, are you still working on it?

b) I will try to put a office/retail inclination on all.

c) Worried about getting into very complicated images that don't reduce well and become difficult to read and own as a brand. So I will try to keep it more iconic as opposed to a full blown illustration.

The revolving door as a concept is good because it says retail/office and temporary very simply. It slips a bit on the innovative idea side.

the space on the website for the logo is set correct?
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Another note. Is it required that your logo is able to be reproduced in black and white and without gradients?

12 years ago
To answer your questions:

a)Tagline is currently "where temporary uses Find Short Term Real Estate". We could consider shortening it but need it to explain the business so right now that's currently the latest tagline.

b) ok


d) the location of the logo on the test site may very well change locations.

e)We will end up needing versions of the logo that are 1) on the grey background 2) on a white background and 3) black and white

12 years ago
Logo Designer
the importance of lucite? Is this important to the concept of is it just a way make it sparkle or shine. It could potentially just complicate the communication and make it hard to read but I will see.

12 years ago
Hello. Thanks for submitting the latest entries. I like #138 but am hoping to tweak it a bit. The ground floor space opening makes it look like the mouth of a monster ready to eat someone. I was hoping you could adjust it to potentially have windows or a revolving door in the middle etc...
12 years ago
also, can you change the tag line to "Temporary Uses Meet Short-Term Real Estate" and play with the font/color to make it quickly and easily read...thanks!
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Hello conceptspace,

I posted an update revision for you a few days ago #149. Do you have any comments? Any other options you would like to see?


12 years ago
Thank you. We like the recent versions of the building with the top open. We now just need to play with the coloring of "Concept Space" and/or the tag line. We've been trying to shorten the tag line... please put in "Temporary Uses....Finding Short-Term Real Estate....It might make it more easily read if they are on different lines such as
"Temporary Uses....
Finding Short-Term Real Estate"

Please use your creative instinct on what changes need to be made to get the message across clearly and swiftly.

12 years ago
Thanks for your recent submissions. We like entry #150

1) we want the one open bottom retail window rather than a door. (similar to Entry #138)
2)Put the green color as an outline to the "Concept Space" white letters but do NOT apply it to the tag line.
3) I like the tag line on 2 lines...(we are still trying to perfect the tag line but please confirm the EPS file you give us will be able to be altered in house if we need to change it....
4)Please change the tag line to
"Connecting Temporary Uses....
with Temporary Leases"

12 years ago
Logo Designer
The file will have will have live text as well as outline so you change it as much as you want. The font is Printhouse which is a free font. You can just download it, I will send a link.

12 years ago
Thanks - sorry for all the tweaks but we are going back and forth internally. Can you i) submit another entry with the door back in... like you had in and ii) with the updated green outline around the "Concept Space" and iii) remove the "..." from the tagline but indent the second line so it is centered under the first line.

In a second entry, leave everything the same as the changes above but make the words "uses" and "leases" underlined

In a third entry make the words "uses and leases" bold green and not underlined.

Thanks again.
12 years ago
Almost done!

Can you please underline use and leases in entry #158. However the underline should not be a straight line but rather look like human handwriting. Similar to the font itself. The underline should look like some underlined it quickly....thus a bit uneven starting a little lower.

The underline should be white.

Also can use use a thin white outline around uses and leases to make them pop?

Lastly, will you be submitting a version that works on a white background?

12 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi. The thin line on such small text makes it almost unreadable so I switched the colors.

12 years ago
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