thanks for the color alternatives but the blue #107 is still the strongest. is it having some shade effect or is it because of 3-color use? the "endeavour" message is definitively better - tkx
Hi, your design 107 is highly ranked but I need the following to progress:
could you modify "Endeavour..." in the 107 to have it similar to the others. I'm only going for Blue or Green now. Could you make a similar 107 effect in Green?
I also have a problem in printing the grey collor, it does not come out on paper. Do you have recommendations?
I work in CMYK which is print standard I will l translate the values to both RGB and HEX
in addition to the required EPS and JPG images for final uplaod
I also supply these formats
1. hi res jpg 300 dpi CMYK (commercial printing) 2. hi res jpg 300 dpi RGB (web and desktop printing) 3. hi res black and white 300 dpi 4. transparaent background PNG (web and desktop printing) 5. Illustrator vector format 6 Text doc with colour values CMYK, RGB and HEX(web)
You have won this contest with your design but I'm undecided with respect to the color (blue or green). Is it custom to ask for both or is this not possible?