entry number 9 i have ranked number 1 but please fix spelling of compassinate. Also I cant really see the difference between 3 of your designs so i didnt rank them. thanks
Entry 21 I like alot the only thing the symbol is hard to make out even though I like how it has been incorporated with the P. Is there a way to to make the symbol look more like a cadeceus like in your other entries? thanks
Entry 21 I like alot the only thing the symbol is hard to make out even though I like how it has been incorporated with the P. Is there a way to to make the symbol look more like a cadeceus like in your other entries? thanks
Thanks I like the updates I was wondering maybe we could drop the pain down some so is doesn't look so broken ub around the symbol. Also is there anyway to make the circle on top of the cadeceus half green and half blue. thanks
on entry 31 maybe try and make the rod the snakes are climing up on the P like you did entry 14. It is just hard to see the P now that the symbol is more obvious. Also for entry #24 which I have ranked as one can we try making Compassionate Pain Management a little bigger and bringing down the pain. thanks
# 37 try putting compassionate on top like a circle and Pain Management on the bottom because people state the way it is now it looks like compassionate management pain. thanks
the green and blue circle can you add a 3rd color- pink to all three circles. also the large outer circle that is pink maybe adding a thin blue and green in addition to the pink.