For Entry #37 and #39, can you please show it to us in our existing colors (Dark Green/Beige Gold)...similar to our website - Also, would like to see graphic of world map not on an angle...make the map horizontal. Thanks!
Thanks for the updates! The map is still on it's side...need to be horizontal (shift/turn more to the left). In regards to the colors, not sure if I am leaning towards flat or a shading/gradient mix so interested in seeing both. I do like the reflective/metallic look in design #55 so that could be interesting to add?
I will be on a ship all day today so won't be able to check again for updates until tonight my time...7PM Eastern Standard Time.
For entry #74, can you please update the globe where the map is more prominent/larger. There seems to be too much white in the globe. Similar sizing to Entry #39. Thanks.
We love the redo that you did on #92 and 93! If we can please update both of them with a map reflecting North/South America (versus African continent).
Also would like to see #93 a bit more spaced out with the lettering as "COM" in Compass seems compressed. Please move "C" a bit to the left and make sure the end of the wave is not touching the bottom of the letter "M". Please update with above and also provide us a new logo with more metallic gold coloring to contrast with the green.
For #92, update map plus spacing - move "C" a bit to the left and raise up a bit as it seems lower to the other letters. Please update with above and also provide us a new logo with more metallic gold coloring to contrast with the green. Thanks!
#95 looks great! If possible, hard to see "Speakers and Entertainment Inc.". Can you adjust color to make it just a bit darker so it stands out a bit more? Thanks!
For #96, hard to see "Speakers and Entertainment Inc.". Can you adjust gold color to make it just a bit darker so it stands out a bit more? Prefer that it is not two-tone with the silver. Thanks!
In regards to design #103, can you please space the "O" out a bit seems to touch the letter "M".
We like what you did with #113, but we feel the "O" looks like a Q. Can you tweak it a bit or make it look more like a compass with the map. Right now it reminds us of the letter "Q" or a "Jack" from the game "Jacks"
For #148 and #164, the southern point of the compass is crooked. Can you please redo with the same point as North/East/West and pointing vertically down/straight? Thanks!
Still not correct. The point that faces to the bottom (South) coming out of the wave is crooked/angled to the right. It looks like a mistake. It should be exactly like the point at the top - same style/direction but facing straight down (South)?