Entry #7 - Like to see this design with "INC" centered underneath Speakers and Entertainment as in entry #4. Also, would like to see the gold color changed to silver/platinum.
Can you please update Entry #20 with a line above the design as well so it looks more balanced. Also, if you could do the exact same design with two lines but then have the "Inc." at the end of the bottom line, therefore not centered.
Thanks for the revisions but need to see the logo with our original colors (Green/Beige-Gold) so not including the navy/blue. Only interested in designs with two colors so Dark Green/Beige-Gold OR Navy/Silver-Platinum. Can you please revise #46 and #47.
For Entry #48, can you please center "Speakers and Entertainment" between the two horizontal lines. It looks too close to the top line?
Could you also revise #61 and #58 with new design where we have the "Speakers and Entertainment Inc." in between the lines and "Since 1997" where the "Inc." is? Like to see if it is too busy or if it will look okay?
Getting close! :-) For #90 and #85, please correct spelling of "Entertainment"..."i" is missing. Please update with spelling and also provide us a new logo with more metallic gold coloring to contrast with the green. We would like to compare both versions (existing color combo and the new gold color combo). For #90, are you able to put that more on a white background...like #85 so we can see it clearer?
One minor tweak on #105...can you please change the font color of "Speakers and Entertainment Inc." and "Since 1997" to the same gold color as the globe. We only want our new logo to incorporate two colors, not three. Thanks!
In regards to #106, can you please check the spacing between the letters? It looks like A & S are tighter together than the other characters. Also, the last S seems to be a bit far to the right...pasts the line underneath it? Sorry...hard to see it in detail on the small "enlarge" option.
Also, once the above changes are made, would like to see the same logo but where the "O" is at the same horizontal line as the other letters. Right now, it drops below the other letters a bit and curious how it would look.