A circular red "C", filled with a golden disk, sits atop the stripes. All aspects of the flag contain symbolism related to the state, as the blue is meant to represent the sky, the gold the abundant sunshine the state receives, the white the snowcapped Rocky Mountains, and the red the "ruddy" earth
I couldn’t figure out how to attach a photo but I found this definition online. Not sure if you can incorporate some thing like this into the logo without making it too busy. But I do really like the design
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they help me a lot
Please review these changes. #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22
I was using the colors of the flag in different applications.
tell me what you think
Remember, any comments or suggestions, please let me know.
Thank you for rating my design and for your comments.
Could you show me an image of the colorado logo.
I have checked on google but it shows me different layouts.
Thank you very much.
It will be a pleasure to continue working
Greetings. Daniel.