Can you try making the logos with a blueish grey scale with silver accents. I am curious to see what it looks like. I do like the gold but I think a comparsion would be helpful. Great work!
I think we need a more muted background look at entry #51's background I think it will make the graphic pop more. I really like what you have done though a lot.
My previous comment is in reference to #32 and #47. Can we make the pineapple slightly smaller in #32? Thank you so much for your hard work it is greatly appreciated.
On entry #47 can we make the pineapple like your entry #32. I like the more abstract pineapple I think it is the top of the pineapple on #32 that I like better. Thanks again.
Can number #89 have the scrolls around the pineapple taken away and reduce the height of the font just slighlty. Also, can you put the whole logo into dark grey color with a white background so we can get an idea of what it will look like on letter head. Thank you so much. Sorry for the last minute changes.
thank you for give me feedback. no need sorry for ask me do some changing on my design. this is my job... and i am really glad could do some work with you.
i have upload the revision, hope i make the right revision from your feedback. my English is not really well. so do not hesitate for asking me some changing about my design.