Entry # 16: Ranking 15. Too simple. Entry #15: Ranking 8. Like the design. don't like the star. Entry #14: Ranking 1. Like the creativity.Don't need the star. Entry #13. Ranking 5. A little busy. Let's take out the green. Entry #12. Ranking 11. Simple but classy. Might see if can find some kind of sport moniker in there. Entry #11. Ranking 13. Not bad but a bit simple. Entry #10. Ranking 4. Like it a lot. Can we add "CSS" somewhere? Entry #9. Ranking 6. I like everything except the sun/star in the upper right. Entry #8. Ranking 2. Like a lot. Simple but dynamic. Entry # 7 Ranking 9. A little busy...take out the green. Entry #6 Ranking 12. It's growing on me. Simple, elegant. Entry #5 Ranking 3. Like a lot. dynamic. Entry #4 Ranking 16. Can't read the "College Sports Solutions" Entry #3 Ranking 7 I like this. love the graduation cap. something missing though, can't put my finger on it Entry #2 Ranking 10 I like the design. Take out the green. Entry #1 Ranking 14. Take out the green.