#13, the word company is spelled wrong, flip the "w" around. Can you give the logo a three-dimensional, bubble-out look? It really is a good first start.
Oops! That's embarrassing. I had wanted to use the W in that font and flip it around because I like it's unique characteristics better than the M. I'll make that fix and address your other comments as well. Thanks for the input. Maybe I'd better stop working on logos late at night...lol.
In #107, I think there is too much black outline, kind of like heavy mascara, I would like to see it minimized or possibly eliminated. Other than that I really like it!
#108, that's an example where I like the amount of black, I'm debating over the mountain, it clearly looks like an "M" which does not empasize anything in the name of the company. Because of its similar style, it makes (to me) the M in company standout unnecessarily.