Very nice. Awesome matter of fact. You are on to something here my friend. Just a little feedback. I would make the coconut a more natural color of the young green coconut with teh whitish flesh when it is carved to drink. Also, i am a real big fan of a more crystal type blue for the Coco portion of the logo. Please drop the 2 down lower like the science element table.
Also, i would change the chocolate color to anohter lighter more tropical color. And make the Nature's Hydration a bit bigger. Hope you dont mind the feedback.
i love the overall design of this logo. not to sure wht the two most recent color choices however. I would eliminate the brown all togther from the letting. Keep the new color of the coconut with the brown outline however. I would really like to see the lettering is a crystal aqua marine blue color. I am a big fan of chrome as well. perhaps you can incorporate that as well.
it seems that i am having trouble relaying what i am looking for. I would like the Coco2O in the crystal blue. I would like to eliminate the brown coloring outline on the Coco2O however leave it around the coconut itselt. I would like to see some chrome incorporated into the logo perhaps as the border outline. i would also like to see our tag line a bit bigger and perhaps a different color as well.