Hello! Here you go 3 entries based on your brief where you can ask any changes or make any suggestions. I'm at your service till the end of your contest. Kindest regards,
Hello! here you go as I've promised another concept that vaguely evoque the beach in a stylish and no dated elegant image, also with another typefonts choice under the same concept. I'm at your service as usual. Have a great sunday and regards,
WIth entry #153, can you try use the font used in #124. Also, could you place the art work between coastal and dental. Finally please show us what it will look like with the name in colour and when in grey (i.e. with the new font and change in place of the artwork).
Hello and thanks for your feedback. I'm submiting the combinations you've requested along with some variants that will help you to preview all the combinations from my entries. Hope this helps and I'm always at your service for that :-) Kindest regards,
Here you go another entry with a simpler colour combination and with the wave shapes in a position to feature the stylized C and D innitials. All the best,