Alex - NICE WORK! - we are really close with #101. Let's play with a few ideas to tweak.
What font is Coastal Consulting Management Group?
See how we can take the coastal waves from #87 and put them in #101 - maybe larger circle - move 3 bars left a bit and bring in waves from #87.
#101 - keep circle design and try extending lettering out.. Coastal Consulting (Same Size at #101 and Blue/Green too) Management Group (smaller black - try another with a san-serif font - all caps and with a spread)
The logo looks great and we are about to APPROVE - can we get the font names for the fonts used.
We think the one used for Coastal Consulting is TRAJAN PRO - just not sure on the one for MANAGEMENT GROUP. We want to use that font for text on business cards, etc.