I really like your designs! I like the new one with the CM on the ball (#72 and #73). Could you do another version using all capital letters on "Design Group", but use a font that shows the capital D and capital G a little larger than the rest of the letters. Also, I like the simple swoosh design on #42 and #43 - I'm wondering if you could modify the swoosh slightly to show a dashed line down the middle so lit looks a little bit like a roadway? I design roads, and don't want a harsh look of a plain roadway, but the curved line with a little white dashed stripe down the middle I think would be nice. Thank you!
Hello, I'm wondering if you could try something similar to #42, but instead of a single swoosh make it almost like a "z" shape so it looks like a zig zag road (and add the dashed line to it). Thanks!
Hello - I like the font on #82, and the z-shaped road on #81, but on #81 could you soften the edges of the "z" so it looks more like a road and less like a "z"? Thank you!
Hi, I'd like to do almost a combination of #77 and #82. I'd like to take the green text "CM" from #82 and insert it between the vertical grey line of #77 and the "Design Group" text. I'd like the ball with CM design to stay to the left of the text as you have it in #77. Thanks!
Hello - Sorry , it was a busy week! I will be selecting you as the winner, but wanted to try to refinet he design a little bit more first. Could you revise 85 by deleting the shading from behind the "C". Could you also do another one that deletes the shading behind the C and also deletes the swoosh from underneath "CM" so it is just the ball the vertical line, then CM Design Group. Thank you!
Hello again, I will be selecting you as the winner by tomorrow, but wanted to extend the contest 1 day because I want to look at some minor revisions to the #1 ranked entry. I want to print it out and see how the logo will fit on my letter head and in plan sheets. I should have done that sooner, but will be able to do that tomorrow, and then send you any minor revisions before selecting the winning logo (but it will be by you). Thank you very much! Catherine
Thank you - I like the font size in ##92. If you could just add a little more space between "Design" and "Group", and also add the shading below the ball, I think it will be perfect. Thank you!
Thank you for adding the shading below the ball, but I think I prefer not to have that shading. I like the font and everything else. I think the only changes is to delete the shading below the ball. Thank you!.
Hello again, I've been using the logo file you created for me, but I'm having problems inserting it into ACAD files and other documents. Is there a way you could provide it to me as a high resolution jpg file? Also, could I get a copy of it without the white background that I can insert into ACAD files where I don't need the white background. Any help you can provide is appreciated! Thank you, Catherine