Thanks for submitting. I am most fond of #9. Conceptually, I like your emblem because to me, it looks like the character is literally "picking up the ball to run with it". Color-wise, I like green and gold together.
For revisions, I'd like to request #9 on a black background with performance and group text in gold. I'd also like to request another version where the name is stacked below the emblem - Clutch and Performance on one line and Group on the second. Name would be black text on a white background and Gold text on the dark background.
You are very welcome,Sir. Yes, correctly, Sir..My idea is based on a character who is ready to join/play for a game/sport (ball symbol) with confident. And also it could symbolize (the character) with letter 'CP' (Clutch Performance). I have submitted revisions you have asked.. Hope you like also.
Since I am a new member, all of my entries must be approved manually by a LogoTournament administrator before they will show up in a contest. After a minimum of 20 project entries have been submitted, my concepts will be accepted (or denied) based on originality, quality and performance..usually they will show up in 12-24 hours ahead (if admin approved them)...Right now I have only entered 12 entries yet..
Thank you for working with me on my first logo tournament contest. I'm sure you are disappointed that you finished second with the "picking up the ball" concept but I want to alert you to another contest I am starting today for a second LLC called "Clarity Activation". Your concept might be better suited for that contest as that company typically tells its clients "we do the heavy lifting" or "we pick up the ball and run with it" as a way of explaining what we do for them.
So I will start the contest today and hope you will submit an edited version of the Clutch Performance submission. I will expect the color scheme to be different and challenge you to find a way to make the emblem speak more to the words "Clarity" and "Activation", but generally speaking, I would like to consider the same emblem for that new contest. Thanks again.