Thank you for reviewing my entries. I wanted to maintain and "Old Time" feel to the logo as well as make the design reminiscent to old cigar labels. Also, did the carriage house with a rough sketch to mimic illustrations done in the 1800's. Please feel free to request any changes.
I just noticed that some of the illustrations appear somewhat darker than my originals due to the low resolution jpeg that is required for upload. The print ready files are better, but I will also adjust them for these uploads so that they don't appear too dark. I will have to do it if I get in the Top 5. Right now only the Top 5 designers that you have ranked will have a button to upload. You would need to rank a designer (within the top 5) in order for changes to be submitted.
You may have noticed that I had removed the lens distortion (the extreme camera angle) from the illustration. I had removed it because, I wanted the building to look like an old illustration, in which case there would never have been any lens distortion. The distortion is the giveaway that it is a modern photo, since the eye itself will never create that distortion. Maybe, I'm being to true to the period. :D Anyway, if you prefer, I can replicate the photo more exact. Any feedback you have would be very appreciated. Once the contest goes into judging mode, than it will only be down to the first rank designer that will be able to submit changes.