Thank you for submitting. The typeface of #17 is nice. Unfortunately the olive and branch is a bit cliche in the olive oil industry. Olives, oil, bottles or [shipping] boxes might work best for us IF you choose to use an object in the logo (we don't mind either way), but we'd like to avoid branches and wreathes. Keep it up! :)
Thanks for the new submissions! #26, #35 and #31 catch our eye the most, in no particular order. One thing we'd like to mention is that we like some other designs using lowercase "club" and uppercase "EVOO".
#35 is similar to a concept I had worked on before bringing the project to Logo Tournament (making a c and an e look like an olive). Here's a dropbox link to my poorly made illustration, if you want to have a go at it (it looks a bit too playful as well) :
#27 is interesting but it felt a bit too corporate.
Keep up the good work and let me know if you'd like any clarifications
BTW - I was clicking around and saw this . Very nice! It is similar to #26, which we like a fair bit. Not sure if the 3D feel would work with an olive (as well as for our brand), but its something that caught my eye.
Hi, Thank you for the nice feedback and the illustration - its cool that we thought of the same idea :) entries #49 - #50 are based on that illustration, entry #52 I tried the 3d feel. Also tried different fonts. I'm right here if there is anything else you'd like me to try Thanks!
Hi! So far we're most interested in #26 of your designs. If you don't mind, could you add spacing and style the type so it looks more like two words? Maybe color EVOO or make CLUB --> Club. Or whatever you think looks best. Also, could you place the text the right of the logo? Would be much appreciated :)