Thank you for the changes. Can you please 1. change Club to grey and 32 to blue, 2. Can you make Club in title case , and remove the space in between the B and 3, such as (Club32) Thank you
We want to avoid a tooth as a primary object of our logo. Instead, we would like to focus on us being a professional club. Can you please try a different direction?
Please avoid any headphones, microphones, play symbols, etc. Instead, we would like to focus on us being a professional club. Can you please try a different direction?
Please avoid any headphones, microphones, play symbols, etc. Instead, we would like to focus on us being a professional club. Can you please try a different direction?
Thank you for the submission, but this concept doesn't appeal to us. It's too basic and looks more like a logo for an ophthalmologist (eye doctor). Please try a different direction.
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