I'll be interested to know your thoughts about my #12, #13 logo proposals. My designs have ten glowing crossing points, to symbolize the ten specialist that your center has, in order to heal and comfort the main glowing point, the patient.
The colors are soft and light to give a sense of tranquility and serenity.
# 12 - Hi Pink - Can we try to put 1 color for each word = CLEAR (1 COLOR) MIND (2nd COLOR) - otherwise I like the idea, And maybe the text a little bit more bold - Thank You.
Thank you very much for the feedback. I submitted two new versions #16, #17 with a bolder font, according to your comments, to see which one you like the best.
Sorry for the delayed response, it was due to the time difference. I uploaded three new logo variations #35, #36, #37 with different fonts in small caps and capital letters. Have you finally decided to proceed with your initial slogan?
Hello, We like your #35 logo design; however, we would like to see it with dark blue and turquoise instead of light blue (#13 tone) and a different font style 8an alongated one like this one). Thanks!