Cloud I.T. MagicLogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / Cloud I.T. Magic Cloud I.T. Magic has selected their winning logo design. For $575 they received 243 designs from 19 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Entries by musicalryo Return to Contest Return to Contest Withdrawn New #70 Withdrawn New #69 Withdrawn New #66 Withdrawn New #48 Withdrawn New #26 Withdrawn New #25 Withdrawn New #24 Discussion ksanghi Client please use the theme colors purple and green and potentially a 3rd color. not everyone about to determine the hat is the letter T. experiment with other fonts and case for the name and different cloud shapes 13 years ago musicalryo Logo Designer Hi, thanks for the feedback. Here's the updates #48 #66Let me know what you think.Thanks! 13 years ago