1. if the handshake was "logostudio`s" idea, then I can`t use it.
We have a rule here saying that if a designer comes up with an idea, he solely owns the rights of using that idea.
If I would still want to use it anyway, I will `have troubles for breaking the rules.
2. If it were your idea and you asked "logostudio" in privately to implement it, then I could use it.
I can`t include a handshake because designer "logostudio" already did it.
We have a rule here saying that if a designer comes up with an idea, he solely owns the rights of using that idea. If it were your idea and you had put it in your brief from the begining, then it would have been fair game to everyone.
Would you be able to include - in the blue house - a handshake, similar to ranked logo # 3? However, on ranked logo# 3 the thumb of the hand coming from the left looks as if it is cut off. Please be sure to make the thumb look proper.
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There are 2 situations:
1. if the handshake was "logostudio`s" idea, then I can`t use it.
We have a rule here saying that if a designer comes up with an idea, he solely owns the rights of using that idea.
If I would still want to use it anyway, I will `have troubles for breaking the rules.
2. If it were your idea and you asked "logostudio" in privately to implement it, then I could use it.
Please let me know whose idea was the handshake.
Thank you for understanding.
I can`t include a handshake because designer "logostudio" already did it.
We have a rule here saying that if a designer comes up with an idea, he solely owns the rights of using that idea. If it were your idea and you had put it in your brief from the begining, then it would have been fair game to everyone.
Thank you for understanding.
Thank you.