I can't decide whether or not I want to include a meat cleaver in my logo or not. I like how tasteful and subtle it is in #7. I think the blue/green color scheme works quite well. I'll like to see #7 with the same color scheme as #4.
It seems that your entries are definite front-runners. I would like to play around with some different fonts now.
I would like to see what #9 looks like with different fonts. Specifically, I would like to see some more "conservative" fonts. Something more squared off in character (similar to Arial or Tahoma). In fact, simply switching the fonts for "CLEAVER" and "SOLUTIONS in #9 would be a good starting point. As I said in my general comment on the main page, I would like to have "solutions" emphasized more, if possible.
I really like the latest batch of logos you submitted. All the sudden #39 has really caught my attention.
I really appreciate you doing some of them in plain black and white to get a sense of what they could look like simplified. You are one of the only people designing in response to my comments, and I appreciate it.
I am not going to rank the designs quite yet, because there are so many great possibilities that I'm not sure which I like best yet. I'll come back to this and look at it in a few hours. I need to let it sit in my brain for a little while before ranking.
As you can see, I decided against the meat cleaver logo. Thanks for trying it out. You made it look pretty good, but in the end it didn't have the right look.
Obviously, I still like #40 & #39, but #18 is emerging as a front runner. I emailed some friends and family to take a look and see which logos they connect with and multiple have said #18. At this point, I don't think there is a need for you to submit any more designs until I give you more feedback. What I would like to do is decide between number #40 & #18 in the next day or so, then really focus on color and font to make it "perfect."
Thanks for the latest submission. Just so you know, I ranked them towards the bottom because they were variations on the same theme, not because I don't like them. I'm trying to keep all the unique logos ranked at the top, eliminate them as time goes on, and then rank all the variations lower down. But it doesn't have anything to do with how I feel about your recent submissions. I really like the blue/green color scheme you've done in some of the other logos. See if you can incorporate that into #18.
Obviously, I still really like #39. It's been towards the top this whole time. It is a logo that simplifies well. Now that we're getting towards the end of the competition, I'd like to see #39 with a little more "pop" and color effects to it. See what you can do to make it a little more fancy. Gradients, contour, shadows, lighting, etc. Whatever you think would look good. You're the designer, you know better than I do what looks good.
It is really coming down between #39 an #18 for me.