Can you please redo making the business name: Cleaning Office Services and the unique selling position as only : Cleaning Specialists so UPS should be deleted - it does not belong. Thank you and look forward to this change and seeing more.
Hello wow you guys are talented! Can you in number 85 make the OFFICE in the same blue as cleaning so I can see how that looks - could you also make the words cleaning specialists bigger as I can't see it enough and in the number 61 can you delete the UPS word and edit the word Clean to CLEANING and then make that bit smaller - I really like 85 and 61 and its anyones game at present. Thank you and I look forward to more.
Can you make the Office word in number 91 blue like the Cleaning word. Can you make the line under dark blue with the writing under the line as well. Really like 91 and 92 - if you can make this change will really help thanks.
Please keep one shade as green and can you make the blue a brighter and lighter blue. I prefer the brighter colours and can you do the winning one in 208 style as well so I can see how that looks thanks.
I think if you do emerald bright green for the S and try some light but brightish blue on the CO as I would really like to see this and think this could keep you as number one as well thank you.
its number 1 for a reason - thank you for listening.... I just posted a global note thing same time this came in but you can have a sqiz at as you may have some fun over this and I am always curious.... well done... just love it!
can you try 213 with the deeper green as used in first one (212) please and yes that blue for cleaning specialists is perfect in 213
also can you do 212 but with that lighter green in 213 and use the cleaning specialist colours of 213 so I am after see two variations of what you have submitted here and of course anything else you may like to send
I was also thinking of just tiny bit more space between the large S and were the words Cleaning Office Services start as something else I would like to see.... hope this helps and can't wait to see this! Thank you very much :)
Hello can you try using a paler blue (but not too pale so still shiny or brightish) again and also experiment with some more emerald type of greens - thank you...almost there!
can you please give me some emerald green like you used in 96 whilst using the same blue as 212 and 224 - thank you.
I don't really like 225 and 227 and you could still win this if you can keep those colours coming not sure it is right yet and this way I will know for sure.... we are getting there.
can you make 212 have the same line and green under it as you have used for services word please.
would a turquoise version against the emerald green version be worth doing too - I would not mind seeing it too - I think we are getting very very close to where I would like it - almost there for sure now! Thank you
As well as comments above also in 212 as well can you make also another version with much brighter almost neon but maybe not neon or lemon lime green... thanks!
congradulations - you are still in the winning position - I would like to see few more variations however - in particular maybe a bit more of a space above the line and I like 267 - not keen on the other one but it was very interesting too. I would like to see you do some different blues perhaps like an ultramarine blue - cobalt blue as its known - maybe some neon green or other shades there too as long as the words still stand out etc. Thank you.