#1: the red adds a wonderful vibrance to the design, and we like the flow of the red element. however, it is unclear how this logo reflects our focus on charitable grants for food clothing and shelter for basic human needs. it is uplifting, but unclearly related to our mission.
RE: # 6- could you kindly provide us with a couple more colorful versions of the graphic element along with our name? i'm yearning to see the green figure in red/maroon now. thank you so much.
Re: #6- we're starting to think we like seeing the letters in capitals (or combo of large caps and small caps) CLAY-MIR. could you show us a version with caps, still using this wonderful vibrant Y figure you've created? thanks so much for considering this request.
re: entry #44, Love It. Love the use of bold colors. Love the depth the black shading adds to the graphic element. Love the sense of movement forward to attain success in life. Love the shading line under the graphic element to ground it in earth. The selection of type font continues to move the design, advancing. thank you!