Hello! Nice entries! Re: #113, could we see a version that has: a) variety of vibrant colors in each hexagon (love the depth your shading brings to each) b) our name in large and small caps "CLAY-MIR" c) a different graphic to replace the lovely goblet--something else to reflect our focus on food, that is a bit more down to earth. the goblet reminds us of wine, and we focus on nutritious basic food.
We really like the way you have worked the food/clothing/shelter/care graphics into the logo, in a way that is open and rises. Thank you so much!
Thank you for your feedback, very clearly, the hexagon to represent the beehive with describe the community that works, distribute and educate and help each other and lift spirits in charity way.
Hi again, Much better, love the colors for # 127, 128, 129, 130. I like the grain to replace the goblet, but just showed it to a few other folks and they didn't understand it. They suggested perhaps a loaf of bread, or a slice or bread, or a bowl of soup maybe with a spoon. Could you try something along those lines? Thanks for your flexibility. Much appreciated!