I LOVE this. Can you make it more boxy? If you look at our website at www.cjmsolutions.ca, our current logo fits into a square so something closer to a square will work for us better. Thanks!
Please leave the box with the initials the same. If we use this, when we're branded better in future we can shorten the logo down to just that box and also use just the box for embroidery on shirts, etc.
Hi. Can you please sort of combine #77 and #134? We still like #77 the best but we're finding the letters too dark near the edges. Also, we'd like the letters space farther apart, just a little. The letters in 134 are clearer but when our group met, we liked the silver. (We're not meeting again until Friday.) Changes: Please keep "Solutions" in title case (not all capitals). Please use "Benefits. Sized to Fit." instead of the sunny day tag line. Please make the plus sign one of the colours of the gradient in the circle.