These are all good designs, but all of them seem very familiar, as if we have seen these ideas in well-established logos. The simplicity and color contrast is good.
One more comment - do not take the above image literally. We are just trying to get the idea across - you are the artist and you should make it look good.
BiziGraph: We would like a small change made to #109, see . I made the graphic slightly larger so the left side looks like it’s coming from the I. On the right, the red also connects with the I.
Also, with regard to #109 - is there some way to add a drop shadow that would look good? Two thoughts are to add shadows to the letters (perhaps up and to the right, or down and to the right) or a shadow to the graphical element.
Would you please do the following: 1 - Provide the logo in CS3 compatible format (If this causes problems, then CS5 would be okay) 2 - Do not outline the font 3 - Provide the name of the font