We like the boldness of the text in all your designs #15-19, however the icons are confusing to us (looks like mushroom clouds).....can you clarify where you are going with this? A couple look like chef hats perhaps #18 and #19. Perhaps try without the clouds?
sorry about that, looking now they can be a bit confusing. It was supposed to be a chefs hat made from the buildings and clouds as the top.... I'll try some more for you
Thanks for these new designs...we like #29 best however we'd like to see a better map image inside the plate. We are in Indianapolis, Indiana USA....so could you go to google maps for a map of downtown indianapolis, indiana usa (use zip code 46202 or 46204) and insert a part of that map that you get from google? Thanks again! :-)
glad you liked it, not a problem.. its pretty late here so i'll get on it first thing tomorrow do you have a preference on which streets I should include?