City SurfingLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / City Surfing

City Surfing has selected their winning logo design.

For $350 they received 131 designs from 12 different designers from around the world.


























Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Thanks for the logo snherr! I am definitely becoming a fan of incorporating some buildings on top of the name. I don't much care for the mouse in front of the buildings though, and maybe throw some different building variations/color schemes out there. Can't wait to see what you come up with next!
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you for the feedback! I have a few other ideas swirling in my head, I will work out some new versions tonight. Are there any other colors/schemes that you had in mind?
13 years ago
Even though the green/blue color scheme is pretty commonplace, I'm not opposed to it. Maybe a neon green, neon blue, and yellow scheme? I want it to have a very light, beachy feel to it. After looking at your logo, I think some pink accents could work pretty good as well, I like that color you chose. Thanks!
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks! I submitted some variations but since I am still a bit new to LT all of my submissions must be manually approved before they show up on your contest page. I think you can see them on my page though for the time being.
13 years ago
Nice, let me take a look.
13 years ago
I can't see them yet, but I'll be sure to provide you some feedback once I do
13 years ago
Logo Designer
They will hopefully be approved today so you can see them. In the meantime, I just wanted to share a few rules of good logo design with you to help you choose a successful logo, which I know can be difficult and overwhelming when faced with multiple choices. There are also a number of websites and blogs out there covering the same topic in more detail. While I can't point out a specific design, there is one in your top picks that breaks a whole bunch of rules- and unfortunately, not in a good way.

Some things to keep in mind:

-A good logo will look just as good in black and white as it does in color. Expect that your end users will often print in b+w and most faxes are received in b+w. Too much going on in a logo often means a black blob coming through the fax.

-Every logo should be able to be shrunk down to about the size of a quarter (think of a business card) without losing any of the details. There's no use for details if you can't see them half the time.

-Incredibly detailed logos and/or using too many colors can very quickly reflect an inexperienced/amateur vibe for your company. Also, it can look really "dated" (not a good thing for a web company). It is very rare (but not unheard of) to have a highly detailed, yet successful logo. Think of all the most iconic brands and websites (Nike, Apple, Google, Amazon), the logos are all very simple, and for that reason, memorable and effective.

I hope this helps you out, good luck with the contest!
13 years ago
Thanks snherr, those are all things that I will take strongly into consideration. I really like that last logo you put up (entry 16), and a lot of my peers do as well. I've got no specific complaints or improvements that I can see should be made to it, it will definitely be in contention. Feel free to throw some other twists or variations on it at me though, maybe with a tweak or two on the shapes/types on buildings on top of the board.

Thanks snherr!
13 years ago
I've been thinking a lot about what you've been saying recently and you're right, keeping it simple will be key, especially for business cards.

What would be your views on throwing a variation in there where the buildings are just neon yellow/blue/green silhouettes, that are white in the middle with some minor detailing inside. Then maybe adding some sort of "splash" element at the bottom above "city surfing"?

You are the other #1 ranked guy are head and shoulders above the rest at this point.
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Drraney7, I just wanted to touch base with you to let you know that I really like the suggestions you made. I will have some time this weekend to submit some updates. Have a great weekend, I'll be in touch!
13 years ago
Thanks snherr, I'm looking forward to your next entries. As it stands right now #16 is in strong consideration.
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi, I hope everything is going well. Do you have any feedback for me on the recent submissions?
13 years ago
Hey Snherr,

I appreciate you making those changes. I do still prefer your original though. I really like you're overall concept and design. I can't quite put my finger on it but I feel like something is missing, maybe it just needs to be a little sharper or more dynamic. Either way #16 is still in final contention, but I'd love to see some other variations if you'd like to submit them.

Thanks man,

13 years ago
Alright Snherr lets try these two changes.

1) Take #16, and add two more buildings to the board so that they stretch across just a bit further
2) Use this style font, but keep the same color scheme as #16. The style I'm referring to is the way that the words "vice city stories" is written... (except make it slightly more legible)

Thanks for all your hard work Snherr,

13 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Doug! I will incorporate that style of font and add some buildings. Do you like the building variations I added in #63 or should I leave them simplified like in #13? The contest ends in four hours, but it may take some time to see any new submissions I make (they have to be approved). I will do my best to get it submitted in time.
13 years ago
Keep what you did in #16
13 years ago
Hey Snherr so it says that you would be allowed to submit changed if I have you ranked #1, can you make those changes for me now?
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Doug. I submitted a few variations earlier- if you can't see them on my page, then they will be visible after approval. I basically submitted two versions of each variation, one with the boxy cityscape and one with the variety of buildings- in my professional opinion, the one with variety is more interesting, while still simple and clean. Let me know what you think, thanks!
13 years ago
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